This calculator is designed to help you calculate option prices and other values. Simply enter 6 of the 7 values for your option
then click the relevant button to calculate the missing value.
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- Option Price Field - The estimated value of the option is displayed or entered in this field.
- Stock Price Field - The current price for the stock is displayed or entered in this field. Higher stock prices will
increase Call values and reduce Put values.
- Exercise Price Field - The exercise price is displayed or entered in this field. This is the price at which a put or
call option can be exercised and is also known as the strike price.
- Dividend Yield Field - The income paid to owners of the stock. Option holders are not entitled to dividends from the stock.
- Interest Rate Field - The current market interest rate.
- Volatility Field - An estimate of the potential price fluctuation that will occur during the Option term.
- Time To Expiry Field - The amount of time before the Option expires. You can select days, months or years.
- Type Of Option Fields - Is the Option a Call or Put, American or European style?